CCUF Portal

The 18th CCUF Workshop

Toledo, Spain , Spain

Attend the 18th CCUF Workshop. This year we are providing a virtual workshop with updates about the CCUF activities and the CCDB joint session. We are also providing some workshops on the second day on topics of interest to the membership.

The 19th CCUF Workshop

Toledo, Spain , Spain

Attend the 19th CCUF Workshop. This year we are providing a virtual workshop with updates about the CCUF activities and the CCDB joint session. We are also providing some workshops on the second day on topics of interest to the membership. The Workshop will be two half days starting at 9:00am EDT and finishing at...

The 20th CCUF Workshop

Toledo, Spain , Spain

Attend the 20th CCUF Workshop. This year we are providing a virtual workshop with updates about the CCUF activities and the CCDB joint session. We are also providing some workshops on the second day on topics of interest to the membership. The Workshop will be two half days starting at 9:00am EDT and finishing at...

The 21st CCUF Workshop


Attend the 21st CCUF Workshop. This year we are providing a virtual workshop with updates about the CCUF activities and the CCDB joint session. We are also providing some workshops on the second day on topics of interest to the membership. More details coming soon

EU Cybersecurity Act Conference 2022

Marriott Grand Place Rue Auguste Orts, Grand Place 3-7, 1000, Bruxelles, Belgium

The EU Cyber Act Conference has been rescheduled.   The International Conference on the EU Cybersecurity Act is produced by Cnxtd (“Connected”) Event Media Corp. Cnxtd is a leading producer of international conferences for the global standards community including the International Cryptographic Module Conference, the International Common Criteria Conference, the Commercial Solutions for Classified Conference,...